Juruterbang, Krish Jejendira mendakwa kerajaan menyembunyikan banyak maklumat berhubung kehilangan pesawat MAS MH370.
Bahasa digunakan, kasar. Barangkali begitulah amalan komunikasi hariannya. Kebiadaban individu terpelajar, terserlah.
Saya ajukan soalan kepada individu arif dalam sistem penerbangan di Malaysia.
"Kalau dua calit di bahu, pangkat apa?"
"Kita panggil calit itu sebagai 'bar'. Kalau 4 bar, kapten, 3 bar, first officer, 2 bar, second officer dan 1 bar, juruterbang kadet," jelasnya.
Namun dia mencatatkan di facebook, pangkatnya, 'senior first officer'.
Klik di sini.
Jika DAKWAANNYA benar, dia harus berani tampil mendedahkan MAKLUMAT itu. Polis juga wajar memperoleh maklumat sama untuk membantu siasatan.
Hemat saya, pendapat peribadi sebegitu tidak seharusnya dikongsikan di laman sosial. Tambahan pula pihak berkuasa masih menjalankan siasatan terperinci berhubung kejadian menimpa MH370.
As a pilot, I think that he could come up with better comments.
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, mengarahkan siastan dilakukan dari setiap sudut, klik di sini.
Juruterbang itu menuntut bukti menunjukkan MH370 terhempas.
Dalam sidang media, jam 10 malam tadi, Najib berkata, penerbangan MH370 berakhir di Lautan Hindi Selatan. Tidak pula saya mendengar perkataan 'crashed' atau terhempas.
Krish, please watch this, probably you have missed the press conference.
Saya percaya, menangani tragedi hitam penerbangan negara itu, tidak semudah merakamkan gambar secara selfie.
setahu saya. masa PC semalam. PM tak sebut pun crashed. Dia sebut ended. PM juga jelaskan dengan cara se'subtle' habis yang kawasan itu kawasan asing dengan tidak ada tempat untuk mendarat dan lautan semata. jadi tersiratnya mungkin hilang di dasar laut. tersirat juga PM gunakan ended sebab signal itu ended di skrin satelit. tapi MUNGKIN manalah tau miracle happen dan mereka berjaya meneruskan perjalanan tanpa dikesan satelit. semoga pasukan SAR dapat mencari black box atau bukti yang lain. yang sebut crashed ialah media.
BalasPadamRamai lagi manusia jenis ini, konon bijak dengan jawatan yg dipegang, tapi berlagak pandai .Agaknya ketika dalam kecemasan, juruterbang Krish ni akan membuat keputusan yg mungkin boleh dipertikaikan k; maklumlah terburu buru menuduh yg bukan bukan
BalasPadamDia ni penyokong kuat PKR. Cina ada DAP, melayu ada PAS, mana ada lain parti pembangkang untuk kaum India. Setakat First Officer, tak payah lah tunjuk pandai macha. Apa ATPL hang ada? Apa qualification pasal strategic flying techtical yang hang ada?
BalasPadamSeorang PROFESSIONAL berkata-kata dgn kata2 yg teruk. Org sebegini mudah dikawal oleh emosi. Bahaya jadi PILOT.
Padamasal ade kene mengena dgn parti kau je, bahaya, emosi... puuuiihhh.... parti kau tu yg mengamalkan benda2 emosi dan bahaya ni. you need to change you user name man, you are certainly a hypocrite!
PadamPilot Melayu is right.
Pilot Air Asia cakap mcm ni. Kalau kena diri sendiri baru tahu tinggi rendah langit. Patutlah skill landing dan take off Air Asia teruk dan menakutkan. Sebagai pilot, patutnya dah boleh agak what's happening.
BalasPadamSaya sokong ini. 100%.
PadamLain airline lain skill landing ke?
PadamYup. Who knows next round he could be in MH370 First Officers shoe. Karma bites hard mister. Be watchful with ur own words. U may end up biting ur own fingernails.
BalasPadamHye poison ivy but i really think that u should not make a comparison within companies(M
BalasPadamAS/Air Asia) because safety is the most important thing in their training. All pilots/cabin crew in any airline are trained well.but if u wanna blame the individual is ok because not everyone is like him and everyone has their own perception.disebabkan seseorang berkelakuan mcm ini,jgn menyalahkan company kerana itu adala kelakuan individu and boleh menjatuhkan image org lain di company itu. Tq
Pilot paling bodoh sombong di dunia.buta maklumat lgi mabok.
BalasPadamDont forget men.... u r pilot tu.... even your fly in domestic area your plane can crash to...
BalasPadamSedihnya baca ulasan2 ni..
BalasPadamPelik dengan orang macam ni...
BalasPadamWhere is d freedom of speech?walaubgaimanapun kna think b4 u act or more likey think b4 u post..anyway kenapa kaitkn isu bangsa,politic n religion?ada kena mengena ke?komen2 komplen2 tp tetap jg fly wt mas or airasia kan?we r MALAYSIAN xkira bangsa or agama or sokong politic manapun.if x suka tegur secara sopan kalau x pun secara sarcastic atau bahasa halus yg pedas pun boleh..kalo bijaksana sgt atau berkuasa silalah bg bantuan secara fizikal bukan disebalik keypad sj..xda untung pun malah akan memecahbelahkan sesama sndri..selami lah prasaan mereka yg still hoping for miracle..who still waiting for their loves one..
BalasPadamMalu dengan komen-komen di sini yang ratanya rasis amat sekali. Bukan setakat itu, jelas sekali juga ramai yang tidak mampu memahami konteks yang dinyatakan oleh juruterbang AirAsia tersebut. Sekalipun tuduhan juruterbang tersebut adalah serius, tidak sekalipun beliau menghina atau mencaci kapten MH370, krew ataupun penumpang pesawat terbabit. Tidak pula kenyataan beliau berbaur perkauman sepertimana ulasan ramai di sini. Kemungkinan sekali Krish didorongi kemarahan dan beremosi semasa menyatakan pendapat beliau, namun, harus diingati bahawa beliau juga berkhidmat sebagai juruterbang. Sesama juruterbang, sudah pasti beliau merasakan kehilangan krew dan pesawat MH 370. Hanya kerana beliau mempersoalkan kesahihan kesimpulan Perdana Menteri, tidak sekali perbuatan tersebut layak ditangani dengan ulasan berbaur perkauman yang sungguh busuk dari rata-ratanya kaum berbangsa Melayu di sini yang kononnya dididik sejak kecil untuk berhemah dalam berbahasa dan bersopan dalam perbicaraan. Malu sekali melihat betapa rendahnya moral bangsa beradat ini.
BalasPadam"Malu dengan komen-komen di sini yang ratanya rasis amat sekali"
PadamSir, where is the proof that the comments here are attacking the race of Mr Krish? We were all saying about how 'he does not understand the situation' and 'not helping' also 'SAR is a difficult job'. Please highlight where, in this comment section, are the commenters attacking the Indian race.
So are you saying that those tweets by the opposition on the MH370 debacle attacking the pilot's Malay race are 'not racist'? And Azmin Ali calling an Indian politician 'pariah' is not racist, too? Yo, gimme a break!
The closest comment was that one by 'Pilot Melayu' who outlined the affinity to political parties. Being partisan is not the same as being in a race?
"tidak sekali perbuatan tersebut layak ditangani dengan ulasan berbaur perkauman yang sungguh busuk dari rata-ratanya kaum berbangsa Melayu di sini yang kononnya dididik sejak kecil untuk berhemah dalam berbahasa dan bersopan"
Please be clear that the article itself does not have any cussing or racially-motivated slurs. The language used are pretty polite, as per Mazidul's usual style. Not attacking any race or religion. The comments here are just reactions of the readers, and it does not have anything to do with the message of the article. there is a disclaimer below:
"Anda bertanggungjawab terhadap komen dicatatkan di entri ini."
I sense that you and that commenter Anti-Hipokrit are cherry-picking, while ignoring the bigger message of the article.
Also in your last sentence:
Padam"Malu sekali melihat betapa rendahnya moral bangsa beradat ini."
You are attacking the whole race by using the word BANGSA. ta-dah! The racist one is you.
Ini Lautan Hindi la, bukan Tasik Titiwangsa. Kedalaman purata dekat 10 kali tinggi KLCC. Dgn ombak yg mcm tsunami, cuaca x menentu, ribut taufan, kwasan plak luas US, ingat senang ka nak jumpa? So conclusion DS Najib base on data, complex calculation & modelling dari Inmarsat. Mrk mnggunakan sains & matematik. Logic & reason. Otak org M'sia kita ni mmg payah nak pikir smpai ke tahap tu, yg dia tau konspirasi ni, cover up tu...Bingai punya pilot!
BalasPadamOleh kerana bangsa kita selama ini terlalu baik bertolak ansur dan bersopan la..kepala kita dipijak.macam2 permintaan yg mereka minta.
BalasPadamHeran betoi la...macam mana dia ni boleh jadi pailet...najib cakap MH370 ended....ended la thambi...not crashed...setupid betoi
BalasPadamIngat senang2 ajer PM nak umum gitu. Lepas tuh tutup cerita. Mereka lebih tau selepas umum lebih banyak benda nak cari dan buktikan.. si Pilot GeLAP nih tak habis2 dgn speku..tak da siapa nak jadi mcm nih kecuali ejen2 yahudi..entah si pilot ni ejen yahudi
BalasPadamSebagai 'org yg profesional' rasanya perlu fikir dulu kot sebelum menulis. Diri kita mambawa image syarikat tempat kita bekerja.
BalasPadambetul tu kak JunAina
PadamDear First Officer, i think you should read PM press conference but saying anything. PM or the government did not and never mention that MH370 crashed. What it said were it ended at Indian Ocean base from the data. It just people perception that the plane had crashed. There might be some survival but until the government can proof it, it still remain status co that base from data received, MH370 ending at Indian Ocean.
BalasPadamBy saying that the government are hiding informations, I cannot accept that statement. You must be watching foreign news with their theories but to me nobody actually know what had happen until they found the Black Box of MH370 where can shade some light what actually happen. You yourself as a PILOT knows that too. Furthermore, not only Malaysia involved in the SAR but other countries too. So what you are saying that all the countries that participate in the SAR are lying too? Yes my preyers goes to the Passengers and Crews of MH370 and also the people involved in the SAR. It is easy to question and comment what they did but put yourself in their situations, you think is it easy. They had to sacrifice their time and life to search the plane and what do we do? We only knows how to comment and critics them. Do we say thank you to all the people involved in the SAR, NO! It is easy to watch but the agony of searching a plane in a big ocean is not easy Mr. First Officer. I have relatives who dies in plane crash before but what we do is wait and pray for their safety. Let the authorities do their job and all this statements that the government are hiding things does not help the next of kins. We should be united in supporting them and gave them strength to face this difficult time. What if you were the next of kin, how would you feel? And what if you were involve in the SAR and people talk like what you said? How would they (SAR people) feels? Just think about other people feelings before you open your mouth and accuse this and that unless you have proof to back it up. Keep all your two cents ideas, comments and what ever to yourself because we should think that this might happen to us or someone that we are close. Maybe then, would you understand the feelings. People will die one day but how they die nobody knows. Dying of sickness we are more or less prepared but sudden death is very hard to take it. Just stop commenting and lets pray that we found the plane and if possible all the passengers and crews too.
SMTI-Mind your language mr first officer Krish Jejendira. Be thankful for being a Malaysian.
BalasPadamSi polan tu ada menyebut '....isnt sharing yet' even for a blind man that statement made by him clearly stated that upon confirmation of evidents the Government will be able to share information so until then STOP degrading our GOVERNMENT who put alot of effort to solve this 'mystery' of Flight MH370. As a pilot himself he should put himself in those people shoes who day and night trying their level best to gather GENUINE facts to publicly shared information with the world and we know it is not a simple task to solve this incident...KRISH you should instead PRAY for the LOST comrade of yours instead of bikering about it....l
BalasPadamSi polan tu ada menyebut '....isnt sharing yet' even for a blind man that statement made by him clearly stated that upon confirmation of evidents the Government will be able to share information so until then STOP degrading our GOVERNMENT who put alot of effort to solve this 'mystery' of Flight MH370. As a pilot himself he should put himself in those people shoes who day and night trying their level best to gather GENUINE facts to publicly shared information with the world and we know it is not a simple task to solve this incident...KRISH you should instead PRAY for the LOST comrade of yours instead of bikering about it....
BalasPadamdengan ini, beliau sebagai mana yg d nyatakn iaitu senior 1st officer itu, telah amat sgt2 memalukan diri sendiri & etc etc... malas nk sebut.
BalasPadamNampaknya beliau telahpun digantung tugas oleh AirAsia disebabkan posting tersebut. Ada sesiapa boleh sahkan?
BalasPadamAirAsia X, the long-haul arm of budget carrier AirAsia, has suspended a pilot for comments he made online on the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, pending a domestic inquiry.
AirAsia X, the long-haul arm of budget carrier AirAsia, has suspended a pilot for comments he made online on the search for missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, pending a domestic inquiry
Kan dah kena . . .
Berlagak macha bodo ni..