Khamis, Februari 02, 2012


Dear friend,

Thanks for your quick response and greetings to you in the name of our heavenly God. This mail might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it as unserious could come into your mind; but please, consider it a divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility. My name is John Kelly. I am a 59 years old man. I am British living in Dubai (United Arab Emirate).I was a merchant and owned two businesses in Dubai. I was also married with two children.My wife and two children died in a car accident six years ago.

Before this happened my business and concern for making money was all I lived for. I never really cared about other values in life. But since the loss of my family, I have found a new desire to assist helpless families. I have been helping orphans in orphanage/motherless homes. I have donated some money to orphans in Sudan, South Africa, Cameroon, Brazil, Spain, Austria, Germany and some Asian countries. Before I became ill, I kept $1.2Million in a long-term deposit account at ING BANK London, United Kingdom.

Presently, I am in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment for oesophageal cancer. I have since lost my ability to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only a few months to live. It is my last wish to see this money distributed to charity organizations. Because relatives and friends have plundered so much of my wealth since my illness, I can not live with the agony of entrusting this huge responsibility to any of them.

Please, I beg you in the name of God to help me collect the deposit and the interest accrued from the company and distributes it amongst charity organizations. Use your judgement to distribute the money and feel free to reimburse yourself when you have the money for any cost you incure during the process of collecting and distributing the money to charity organizations.

I am willing to offer you a reward If you are willing to help; please reply as soon as you can.

May the Good Lord bless you and your family.

John Kelly 

Berikut balasan saya kepada emel John Kelly.

YES, I am willing to help you John for the sake of those needies.

I am a 34-year old engineer, earning an income of RM20,000+  per month. My friends call me  'Mangsa'.  Just like you, I also have the intention to help others in my life. However, my monthly earning is not enough since I also have 2 wives and 4 kids to support.

Please share with me, what I should  do to assist you.


Sebaik membalas emel di atas, 'John Kelly' hanya mengambil beberapa minit untuk menghantar emel seterusnya berserta gambar didakwa miliknya.

Melalui pengalaman, saya percaya 'John Kelly' hanya nama samaran lelaki warga Nigeria barangkali kini menetap bersama teman wanita warga tempatan samada di Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Kepong, atau di Puchong, Selangor.

Modus operandi scammers, mereka terbabit dalam kes penipuan di internet, hampir sama. Mereka menagih simpati penerima emel dihantar secara rawak, pada masa sama mendakwa memiliki harta bernilai jutaan ringgit di negara barat, majoriti kononnya bermastautin di United Kingdom.

Saya akan menjadikan kisah ini sebagai case study untuk menunjukkan kepada semua pembaca bagaimana pengguna internet mampu tertipu dek scammer seperti John Kelly.

Penipuan di internet juga digelar sebagai '419', kegiatan boleh didakwa mengikut Seksyen 419 Kanun Keseksaan di Nigeria.

Sila baca di sini untuk melihat satu lagi kaedah digunakan scammers untuk memperdayakan mangsa.

ABC News, Amerika Syarikat sebelum ini mendedahkan kegiatan Black Money dan wartawan melakukan penyiasatan berkunjung ke Nigeria.

Untuk rekod, majoriti penduduk Nigeria hidup di bawah garisan kemiskinan dengan meraih  pendapatan harian US$1.25 atau RM3.75.

Biarpun keadaan Nigeria sebegitu, ramai lelaki mereka berjaya memperbodohkan wanita dan lelaki tempatan sekaligus meraih jutaan ringgit hasil penipuan menggunakan internet.

7 ulasan:

  1. selalu saja dpt emel sebegini..

    bagi saya mudah..

    bukan senang utk senang..jadi, semua ini adalah menjerat diri sendiri..

    utk dpt berjuta2 euro atau dollar, silalah berusaha dgn kederat sendiri..

  2. Saya selalu dapat emel sebegini.. slalunya saya abaikan..kalau bosan, saya akan reply..
    Dan selalunya akan d akhiri dengan memohon pinjaman wang sama ada keadaan terdesak atau skg ni ada d klia tapi kena tangkap dengan pihak berkuasa sebab salah paham atau pun brang yang dia hantar kat saya berupa laptop la..cincin la..mcm2 la barang berharga d tahan..ishh banyak la..

  3. dah naik penuh spam box sya..malas nk baca pun..

  4. SMTI...Saya pun pernah dapat email yang macam tu...

  5. SMTI

    " am a 34-year old engineer, earning an income of RM20,000+ per month. My friends call me 'Mangsa'. Just like you, I also have the intention to help others in my life. However, my monthly earning is not enough since I also have 2 wives and 4 kids to support."

    Amboi...ha ha ha siapa tu?

  6. baru je tengah menulis ttg emel yg sama kat blog saya :)

    banyak info dapat blog bro


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